Wednesday, 30 January 2008
Wednesday, 23 January 2008
Starbucks !!?
I just read that Starbucks tests $1 cup of coffee Free refills are also on tap as the Seattle coffee giant responds to increased competition and braces for an economic slowdown that could blunt consumer spending.
Money that comes to this business are no longer sufficient to kill Palestinian children they want more money in return for free cups
They are Laughing at your minds against the Israeli army bullets bought your wealth to kill the Palestinian people in Gaza and in Jenin and Ram allah .

They are Laughing at your minds against the Israeli army bullets bought your wealth to kill the Palestinian people in Gaza and in Jenin and Ram allah .
You are enjoying having your coffee From There ( Starbucks ) in the Arab countries or the European countries or even America ..!!
You want to cast to stop the siege on Gaza,
if not buy coffee from there ..!

You All have to know that the owner of the café
You want to cast to stop the siege on Gaza,
if not buy coffee from there ..!
You All have to know that the owner of the café
Israeli hard-liner fanatic Trying to help his Army to kill the Palestinian people by your Own Money.
Tuesday, 22 January 2008
Tuesday, 8 January 2008
Thursday, 3 January 2008
Fathi El-Areibi : Libyan artist & writer
Fathi El-Areibi
Birth date : Sunday Morning of March 15. 1942 Birth place : Al Saabri (suburb of Benghazi)Telephone number : 218-61-2230185P.O. Box 486 : Benghazi - LibyaEmail : fabigraph@yahoo.com
From 1964 to 1968 Mr. El Areibi worked as a photojournalist for Al Haqeeqa newspaper in Benghazi and for Broadcast and Libya Al Hadeetha in Tripoli.
Then shifted his career to become a documentary and news cinematographer for the Photo Magazine in Benghazi.
When the Libyan television began it’s broadcast in 1968, Mr. El Areibi became the director of the cinema department.
In June of 1969 Mr. El Areibi was sent to study cinematography at the prestigious ARRI a Germany company who’s famous for making Arriflex the best film cameras in the world. During his long career Mr. El Areibi participated in more than 50 Light & Photography shows and exhibits inside Libya and in Rome, Athens, Valetta, Paris, London, Damascus, Baghdad, Alexandria, and Cairo. His first exhibits were at Al Najma Football (soccer) club.
Mr. El Areibi wrote many articles and published a documented photos for major Libyan, Egyptian, and Lebanese publications such as: Al Bait, Al Maraia, & No magazines, also in newspapers such as: Al Fatah, Al Zahaf Al Akhdar, Benghazi News, The Conference, Al Majal, Akhbar Al Adab (Egypt), The Art of Photography (Beirut-Lebanon).
In 1985 Mr. El Areibi thought radio and television production at University of Gar Younis in Benghazi and in 1997 thought photography at the Art High school in Benghazi.. At the present time Mr. El Areibi is active writing and photographs for several magazines & newspapers such as: Al Thaqafa Al Arabia (Benghazi monthly), Broadcast magazine (Tripoli monthly), Al Jamahiria newspaper (Tripoli daily), Al Shams (Tripoli daily).
As a writer & director
Mr. El Areibi wrote and directed the following short subject films:(1)- Just Dreams – 1971(2)- Clock’s ticks – 1972(3)- The Children are Children – 1972(4)- The Comb & the Honey – 1973(5)- Return to Beisaan – 1974(6)- The Structure – 1975(7)- Mirror’s dimensions - Educational 1987
Radio educational programs directed & produced by Mr. El Areibi;
(1)- Recording tape (1981-1985) – 30 minutes weekly program, introduced his daughter Amal & others (150 episodes) won best photographed program of 1986
(2)- Sketches with dimensions (for Benghazi local radio) 1997 – 15 minutes daily (65 episodes) – Produced by Nabil El Areibi
Unions and Guilds:
(1)- Libyan writers Union – Benghazi(2)- Libyan Artists Union – Benghazi(3)- Photographers & painters Union - Benghazi(4)- Journalists Union – Benghazi(5)- Camera Club – London(6)- Maltese Photographers Group – Valetta(7)- Art of Photography Club – Damascus(8)- Iraqi Photographers Group – Baghdad(9) (- Alexandria Camera Club – Alexandria10)- Egyptian Photographers Club – Cairo
Cinematography & photography books written by Mr. El Areibi:
(1)- The Single Audience (Cinema + 95 photos) 1975 – Jeel Wa Resala magazine number 15.(2)- Directory to Art of Photography – 1998 – Dar Al Jamahiria publication - Misurata.(3)- Directory of Photography Equipment – 1998 - Dar Al Jamahiria publication – Misurata.(4)- History of War Photography – 1998 - Dar Al Jamahiria publication – Misurata.
I Got All That By Searching..
I Am So Proud To have Him In "Libya"
Birth date : Sunday Morning of March 15. 1942 Birth place : Al Saabri (suburb of Benghazi)Telephone number : 218-61-2230185P.O. Box 486 : Benghazi - LibyaEmail : fabigraph@yahoo.com
From 1964 to 1968 Mr. El Areibi worked as a photojournalist for Al Haqeeqa newspaper in Benghazi and for Broadcast and Libya Al Hadeetha in Tripoli.
Then shifted his career to become a documentary and news cinematographer for the Photo Magazine in Benghazi.
When the Libyan television began it’s broadcast in 1968, Mr. El Areibi became the director of the cinema department.
In June of 1969 Mr. El Areibi was sent to study cinematography at the prestigious ARRI a Germany company who’s famous for making Arriflex the best film cameras in the world. During his long career Mr. El Areibi participated in more than 50 Light & Photography shows and exhibits inside Libya and in Rome, Athens, Valetta, Paris, London, Damascus, Baghdad, Alexandria, and Cairo. His first exhibits were at Al Najma Football (soccer) club.
Mr. El Areibi wrote many articles and published a documented photos for major Libyan, Egyptian, and Lebanese publications such as: Al Bait, Al Maraia, & No magazines, also in newspapers such as: Al Fatah, Al Zahaf Al Akhdar, Benghazi News, The Conference, Al Majal, Akhbar Al Adab (Egypt), The Art of Photography (Beirut-Lebanon).
In 1985 Mr. El Areibi thought radio and television production at University of Gar Younis in Benghazi and in 1997 thought photography at the Art High school in Benghazi.. At the present time Mr. El Areibi is active writing and photographs for several magazines & newspapers such as: Al Thaqafa Al Arabia (Benghazi monthly), Broadcast magazine (Tripoli monthly), Al Jamahiria newspaper (Tripoli daily), Al Shams (Tripoli daily).
As a writer & director
Mr. El Areibi wrote and directed the following short subject films:(1)- Just Dreams – 1971(2)- Clock’s ticks – 1972(3)- The Children are Children – 1972(4)- The Comb & the Honey – 1973(5)- Return to Beisaan – 1974(6)- The Structure – 1975(7)- Mirror’s dimensions - Educational 1987
Radio educational programs directed & produced by Mr. El Areibi;
(1)- Recording tape (1981-1985) – 30 minutes weekly program, introduced his daughter Amal & others (150 episodes) won best photographed program of 1986
(2)- Sketches with dimensions (for Benghazi local radio) 1997 – 15 minutes daily (65 episodes) – Produced by Nabil El Areibi
Unions and Guilds:
(1)- Libyan writers Union – Benghazi(2)- Libyan Artists Union – Benghazi(3)- Photographers & painters Union - Benghazi(4)- Journalists Union – Benghazi(5)- Camera Club – London(6)- Maltese Photographers Group – Valetta(7)- Art of Photography Club – Damascus(8)- Iraqi Photographers Group – Baghdad(9) (- Alexandria Camera Club – Alexandria10)- Egyptian Photographers Club – Cairo
Cinematography & photography books written by Mr. El Areibi:
(1)- The Single Audience (Cinema + 95 photos) 1975 – Jeel Wa Resala magazine number 15.(2)- Directory to Art of Photography – 1998 – Dar Al Jamahiria publication - Misurata.(3)- Directory of Photography Equipment – 1998 - Dar Al Jamahiria publication – Misurata.(4)- History of War Photography – 1998 - Dar Al Jamahiria publication – Misurata.
I Got All That By Searching..
I Am So Proud To have Him In "Libya"
The libyan Artiss
Adel Fortia
P.O.Box: 17742Libya Misurata LIBYA
Adel Fortia+218 (51) 610482
الفنان . عادل جهان الفورتيه
ولد في مديمة مصراته الليبية عام 1970 درس الفن بشكل شخصي خريج قسم الفلسفة - مصراتة عام 1996 شارك في عدة معارض جماعية داخل المدينةو معارض فردية بالمعاهد والكليات ضمن الأنشطةالثقافية
ص.ب 17742مصراته ليبيا+218 (51) 610482
Adnan MeatekBorn In Misurata - Libya - 1968 * Self - Made Artist * Participated in many exhibitions - Misurata and Tripoli * Art exhibition -De Vela - Tripoli 1998 * Art exhibition - Burj - Tripoli * Art exhibition - French Culture Center - Tripoli 2002 * Employee in the Libya Insurance co. *Misuarata / libya Box: 439Misuarata Misurata LIBYA
Adnan Meatek+ 218 51
MSN: ameatek@hotmail.com
الفنان . عدنان بشير معيتيق
ولد الفنان عدنان بشير عام 1968 بمدينة مصراته الليبية درس الفن بشكل شخصي و شارك في عدة معارض في طرابلس و مصراته منها معرض الفنون التشكيلية "ديفيلا" طرابلس عام 1998معرض البرج طرابلس عام 2001معرض المركز الثقافي الفرنسي عام 2002 و هو موظف بشركة ليبيا للتأمين
ص.ب 439مصراته ليبيا+ 218 51
Goma Al Fazzani
The Artist Goma Alfazzani born in 1962 and he partcipated in many exhibition in Libya and outside Libya Like the exhibition in Arabia Saudia in 1997 and Austria and ethiopya in 2003.P.O. Box 13072 Tripoli LIBYA
Goma Al Fazzani+218 21 4770569
MSN: goma_fazzani@hotmail.com
الفنان .جمعة الفزاني
الفنان الفزاني يعتبر من البارزين في فن الرسم بالتنقيط وله عدة مشاركات في كثير من المعارض بالداخل (12 معرضا)، ومثل ليبيا في معارض خارجية في السعودية عام 1997 وأثيوبيا والنمسا عام 2003.
ص.ب 13072طرابلس ليبيا
+218 21 4770569
Ibrahim El Hesnawi
He start singing in the middle of the seventies in a Group called Sons of the desert, and with the apparition of reagae music in Libya he start singing alone and he chosed this kind of music, he represented Libya in Many worldwide festivals
Tripoli LIBYA
Ibrahim El Hesnawi
+218 21 3330776+218 21 3330776
الفنان المغني. إبراهيم الحسناوي
بداية الفنان ابراهيم الحسناوي كانت في منتصف السبعينات تقريبا اولا كانت مع فرقته ابناء الصحراء ثم انفصل عن الفرقة ليغني منفردا توافق هدا مع انطلاق موسيقى الريقي في العالم و تعلق بها ابراهيم الحسناوي مثل الكثير من شباب الفنانين العرب في دلك الوقت لانها مشابها للايقاعات الافريقية.مثل ابراهيم الحسناوي ليبيا في الكثير من المهرجنات العالميه و لا زال يقدم نفس هدا اللون من الموسيقى حاصدا المزيد من النجاحات.
طرابلس ليبيا+218 21 3330776+218 21 3330776
Yahoo: allaghius@yahoo.com
P.O.Box: 17742Libya Misurata LIBYA
Adel Fortia+218 (51) 610482
الفنان . عادل جهان الفورتيه
ولد في مديمة مصراته الليبية عام 1970 درس الفن بشكل شخصي خريج قسم الفلسفة - مصراتة عام 1996 شارك في عدة معارض جماعية داخل المدينةو معارض فردية بالمعاهد والكليات ضمن الأنشطةالثقافية
ص.ب 17742مصراته ليبيا+218 (51) 610482
Adnan MeatekBorn In Misurata - Libya - 1968 * Self - Made Artist * Participated in many exhibitions - Misurata and Tripoli * Art exhibition -De Vela - Tripoli 1998 * Art exhibition - Burj - Tripoli * Art exhibition - French Culture Center - Tripoli 2002 * Employee in the Libya Insurance co. *Misuarata / libya Box: 439Misuarata Misurata LIBYA
Adnan Meatek+ 218 51
MSN: ameatek@hotmail.com
الفنان . عدنان بشير معيتيق
ولد الفنان عدنان بشير عام 1968 بمدينة مصراته الليبية درس الفن بشكل شخصي و شارك في عدة معارض في طرابلس و مصراته منها معرض الفنون التشكيلية "ديفيلا" طرابلس عام 1998معرض البرج طرابلس عام 2001معرض المركز الثقافي الفرنسي عام 2002 و هو موظف بشركة ليبيا للتأمين
ص.ب 439مصراته ليبيا+ 218 51
Goma Al Fazzani
The Artist Goma Alfazzani born in 1962 and he partcipated in many exhibition in Libya and outside Libya Like the exhibition in Arabia Saudia in 1997 and Austria and ethiopya in 2003.P.O. Box 13072 Tripoli LIBYA
Goma Al Fazzani+218 21 4770569
MSN: goma_fazzani@hotmail.com
الفنان .جمعة الفزاني
الفنان الفزاني يعتبر من البارزين في فن الرسم بالتنقيط وله عدة مشاركات في كثير من المعارض بالداخل (12 معرضا)، ومثل ليبيا في معارض خارجية في السعودية عام 1997 وأثيوبيا والنمسا عام 2003.
ص.ب 13072طرابلس ليبيا
+218 21 4770569
Ibrahim El Hesnawi
He start singing in the middle of the seventies in a Group called Sons of the desert, and with the apparition of reagae music in Libya he start singing alone and he chosed this kind of music, he represented Libya in Many worldwide festivals
Tripoli LIBYA
Ibrahim El Hesnawi
+218 21 3330776+218 21 3330776
الفنان المغني. إبراهيم الحسناوي
بداية الفنان ابراهيم الحسناوي كانت في منتصف السبعينات تقريبا اولا كانت مع فرقته ابناء الصحراء ثم انفصل عن الفرقة ليغني منفردا توافق هدا مع انطلاق موسيقى الريقي في العالم و تعلق بها ابراهيم الحسناوي مثل الكثير من شباب الفنانين العرب في دلك الوقت لانها مشابها للايقاعات الافريقية.مثل ابراهيم الحسناوي ليبيا في الكثير من المهرجنات العالميه و لا زال يقدم نفس هدا اللون من الموسيقى حاصدا المزيد من النجاحات.
طرابلس ليبيا+218 21 3330776+218 21 3330776
Yahoo: allaghius@yahoo.com
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